Board of Directors

2024 State Association of Young Farmers of Texas Board

President: Sherry Free, Deer Park

President Elect: Barry Choate, Athens


Area I: Bill Ward, Limestone Co.

Area II: Kelley Bonds, Hamlin

Area III: Tina Taylor, Deer Park with Kirk Edney, at-large advising

Area IV: Charles Rochester, Gonzales

Area V: Jennifer Smith, Rockwall

Area VI: Stephanie Wood, Teague

Area VII: Clovia Ketchum, San Saba

Area VIII: Kenny Bulger, Fairfield

Area IX: Larry Mendenhall, at large

Area X: Dillon Donaldson, Bryan

Area XI: Joann Hedricks, Gonzales

Area XII: CJ Johnson, Bryan

Past President: LA Muehr, Schulenburg

Advisor: Terry Hausenfluck, Bryan

Executive Administrator: Ray Pieniazek, Austin

Executive Secretary: Sandra Choate, Malakoff