
Active Membership:

Any person not enrolled in high school yet over 18 years old is eligible to become an active member of the local or county organization, or a member at large of the State Association.


Benefits of Membership:

  1. Recognition as a career-technical student organization (CTSO) by the Texas Education Agency in the same manner as FFA, FCCLA, DECA, VICA – Skills USA, etc.  Recognition is also extended at the national level by the US Department of Education.
  2. Status as a 501.c3 corporation, which provides tax exemption for the chapter and tax deductions for contributions from individuals, corporations, businesses and organizations
  3. Advisor guidance and control over local chapters as established by the constitution and bylaws
  4. Physical assistance and financial support for agriscience departments and FFA chapters
  5. Awards program that rewards outstanding efforts of members and chapters with recognition of accomplishments in agriculture production, agribusiness and management, community service and public relations.  Most awards have monetary implications that include $50-500 cash
  6. Scholarship opportunities through local chapters and the state association, usually in the amount of $500-1500
  7. Educational and leadership development, including technological updates, for personal and professional growth through workshops, seminars, field days, trade show, tours and conventions
  8. Community support to local school districts and their success, an important aspect of the Texas Education Agency’s District Effectiveness and Compliance review
  9. Provide members for advisory committees and business-education success teams (BEST), and support local workforce development efforts